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Recurring Live Events

Easily make your Live Events or Virtual Live Events automatically recurring at the same day and time each week.

Do you have a recurring weekly event that you would like to set up to stream automatically each week without having to schedule and set up streaming equipment and software each time? Your Endavo platform makes it easy to set up your Recurring Live Event once and just start streaming each week. 

When you create and schedule a Live Event or Virtual Live Event on your Endavo dashboard, simply select Recurring to make it a recurring event at the same day and time every week. 

Recurring Live Events

💡 We plan to add additional recurrance periods in the near future. Please contact our Support team or your Client Success manager if you have specific needs.

When you publish a Recurring Live Event to your OTT Channel or Apps, the live event player will display a countdown to the next broadcast day/time in between events, so your audience will know when to come back. 

Recurring Event Windowing

If you plan to have a recurring weekly event during a specified total period of time (e.g., this year), the use Publish Start and Publish End date to set the time period window within which your event will be recurring. 

LE publish start end

Virtual Live Events

If you want to make a recurring Virtual Live Event, but have different content schedules each week, you can edit the VLE schedule at any time in between broadcast days/times by clicking Edit Schedule at the bottom of your VLE information page to see/edit schedule. 

VLE schedule